살랑, 그 그리운
(Flap, missing that)
116.8x91.0cm_2022 jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink mixed media on paper panel
아, 따뜻한 나의 날
(Hello, my warm seasons)
116.8x91.0cm_2022 jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink, marker mixed media on paper panel
*우크라이나 평화지원 스타도네이션 작품
Dream Rising in Peace_with UKRAINE
생기를 주는 그 꽃을 바라보듯
(Like gazing at a flower that brings life)
116.8x91.0cm_2023 jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink, marker mixed media on paper panel
다프네 2022 (Daphne2022)
116.8x91.0cm_2022 jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink mixed media on paper panel
*우크라이나 평화지원 스타도네이션 작품
Dream Rising in Peace_with UKRAINE
평화롭게 걸으라2022
(Peacefully walk)
116.8x91.0cm_2022 jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink, marker mixed media on paper panel
따뜻한 여름 태양
(Warm summer Sun)
116.8x91.0cm_2023 jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink mixed media
on paper panel
좋으면, 여기있어
(lf you like it, Stay here)
391.2x53m_2023(panel 6pcs) jung myung hee
Acrylic and oil ink mixed media on paper panel
(Before becomming shy)
116.8x91.0cm_2023 jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink, marker mixed media on paper panel
(Outside in April)
116.8x91.0cm_2023 jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink, marker mixed media on paper panel
발화, 작은 멋쟁이 나비
(Blossom, Little stylish butterfly)
90.9x72.7cm_2023 (panel 6pcs) jung myung hee
Acrylic and watercolor, oil ink, marker mixed media on paper panel
<Blossom, Little stylish butterfly>details
no.1, no.2, no.3
-광풍제월- 光風霽月
마음의 결이 명쾌하고, 깨끗하게 가슴 속이 맑고 고결한 것
The wind and the moon after the rain _Lotus serise no.2
116.8x91.0cm_ acrylic on panel
Clear mind,
clean mind, clear heart,
noble heart